Interested in reporting on New Jersey’s transition to a healthy future? Passionate about quality journalism that empowers citizens?
We’re offering 8 early-to mid-career journalists an exciting 6-month fellowship opportunity called the New Jersey Sustainability Reporting Fellowship. Apply now through your newsroom.
Download a fellowship application form here.
The New Jersey Sustainability Reporting Hub is now accepting applications for its second cohort of sustainability reporting fellows to begin in March 2020.
The project is a statewide media collaborative that aims to help speed society’s transition away from fossil fuels and restore healthy living environments for future generations through solutions journalism. Selected fellows and their editors will have tremendous learning opportunities through orientations, briefings, field trips, collaboration, mentorship, and groundbreaking assignments. Fellowships will run from March 2020 through August 2020.
CivicStory, a solutions-based nonprofit news site, will provide stipends directly to newsrooms to support multimedia fellows’ reporting over six months. Articles, videos, audio pieces, and photo-essays produced by the fellows will first be published by their newsroom, then republished on the NJSR Hub website (www.SRHub.org), and shared with a network of project affiliates, including: the founding partners, nonprofit affiliates, the NJ News Commons, and various educational institutions. Participating newsrooms are independent.
Fellowships begin in March with three non-consecutive days of orientation, training, and field trips. Throughout the fellowship, reporting fellows will also participate in virtual learning sessions with subject matter experts on sustainability issues from the project’s collaborative network. This immersive program will provide self-motivated, passionate journalists with expert information, contacts with relevant organizations, and myriad story ideas. The training will allow the fellows to uncover and highlight under-reported stories on sustainability trends and actions around the state.
Sustainability reporting emphasizes restoration and regeneration of healthy living environments for the future. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, alternative and net zero energy, food choice and waste reduction, storm water management, residential fuel conservation, water, soil, and air quality remediation, biodiversity, compost and organic waste management, native plants and natural lawn care, and more.
The NJSR HUB project’s four founding nonprofit partners are CivicStory (project lead), Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University, New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability (NJHEPS), and Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education (ANJEE). For more information, please see the About page.
CivicStory and New Jersey Sustainability Reporting Hub founding partners seek fellowship applicants of diverse backgrounds, experience levels, media formats, and areas of focus and interest.
Send a cover letter (one page or less), your resume, two work samples, and a signed application form to the Project Director, ProjectDirector@CivicStory.org.
- Journalists must apply through a newsroom.
- Applications must be co-signed by applicant and by a newsroom editor.
- For more information, contact Kevin Englert, ProjectDirector@CivicStory.org.
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